Listen to a FM Radio program from Siaya, Kenya with Pastor Brad!

Here is a chance to listen to one of Pastor Brad’s 30 minute KENYAN radio broadcast in it’s entirety!

Here’s Pastor Brad’s process used to produce each Siaya 103.8 FM Radio Broadcast:

  • Prayer, prayer and more prayer!

  • Studies and prepares sermon for each broadcast

  • Prepares his home office for recording: sound proofing & mic lapel

  • Records the 27 minute broadcast in his home office

  • Transfers the file to Pastor Paul Ocheing in Siaya, Kenya

  • Pastor Paul goes to the Radio Station to interpret into the local language

  • Radio station adds intro and intro, cleans up audio. Holds completed file till broadcast Air-Time slot on Saturdays at 9:30pm

  • Take a listen to the completed program: Brad in English, Pst Paul in Lou.

Radio Mikayi Kiloki - Siaya 103.8 FM Radio

Pastor Brad has done many Pastoral Bible Conferences in-country: Siaya, Kenya over the years! He loves the Kenyan people, their language, he even knows some Lou language! He prays that his new RADIO PROGRAMS will help strengthen the approximate 100 pastors that he already has relationships with and that the broadcasts reach many new souls for Christ in Siaya! The weekly FM Radio program reaches 1.5 million villagers weekly with the Gospel message.

When Pastor Brad 1st arrived in Kenya, he was told, “Christianity is a mile wide; but only an inch deep in Kenya!” His goal is for each of these pastors and leader would let their churches and communities know about the Saturday night 1 hour GOSPEL broadcast on Siaya 103.8 FM Radio. Spreading the word about the gospel program to all their families, neighbors, co-workers and friends!

Pastor Brad now has an opportunity to reach these pastors 52 weeks of the year; instead of the 1 or 2 in-country trips per year! What a double blessing to be able to reach the pastors & the local community of 1.5 million listeners with the GOSPEL weekly!

Isa 55:11 “So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth;
It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.”

Prayer Points for the Listeners & the FM Radio Program ”

  • Listeners to tune in & invite their families/friends to join them

  • Listeners to “hear” the Gospel & to receive Christ into their heart

  • Physical Healings

  • Financial provisions

  • Family reconciliation

  • Emotional healing

  • Break addictions to drugs and alcohol

  • Stop Child Kidnapping

  • Pray against Witchcraft sacrifices

  • Pray against Vodou spells being cast on the Pastors

  • Muslims to Stop Persecuting the new believers, whom have just converted from Islam to Christianity

  • No technical issues at the FM Radio station

  • Radio station to be fully staffed & volunteers are in place

  • Skill in interpretation from English to Luo language

  • Financial provision to cover each weekly broadcast

  • Pastor Brad to “Preach the Word in Season” as the Lord leads

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


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