WDZY 1290 AM Richmond, Virginia: Drawing for FREE Devotional Book
A Heart After God RADIO MINISTRY is reaching Virginia's state Capitol of Richmond and beyond!!
“Know Your Faith: Book of Isaiah,” with Pastor Brad Abley
WDZY 1290 AM and WDZY 103.3 FM. Saturdays @ 8am & 5pm
Reaching Virginia's state Capitol of Richmond and beyond!!
Radio Broadcaster Pastor Brad Abley: A Heart After God Bible Teaching Ministry
If you live or work within the listening range of Richmond-Virginia, “Wilkin’s Radio:” WDZY 1290AM or WDZY 103.3 FM, please let Pastor Brad Abley know you are listening to his GOSPEL radio program! He would love to hear from you. “Let’s Connect!”
To our Richmond listeners… Enter below to win a drawing, a free Devotional in the Psalms by Pastor/Author Brad Abley!
Devotional | In the Psalms
“Understanding The Father Heart of God in the Psalms”
“Know the Father heart of God for you and to impart His heart through you to others. When Jesus taught His disciples to know and to pray to the Father, they didn't suddenly have to wonder about His nature. They were men who were thoroughly versed in His incredible nature, revealed in the Old Testament -- and especially in the Psalms.”
Thank you so much for listening to my weekly Richmond, Virginia GOSPEL radio program! God Bless You!
“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”