Siaya, Kenya: Videos of the 4-day Mega Conference are coming soon!

Pastor Brad Abley - Keynote Speaker

Annual Mega Conference Novmeber 23 - 26, 2023

Theme: Calling and Servanthood

Professional Videos of the conference "Coming Soon!" /

Pastor Brad Abley - Keynote Speaker /

Professional Videos of the conference "Coming Soon!" / Pastor Brad Abley - Keynote Speaker /

Pastor Brad is excited to share that a professional company was hired to Live-Stream Video and take photos of the conference. These videos will be available to Pastor Brad Abley soon!

Please check back in several days to see when they are posted on the Blog page at Blog Page - click here!

“Conference Highlights on Photo/ Reel.”

** View below **

View Conference Highlights on “Photo/ Reel”

Pastor Brad thanks you so much for “Partnering in the GOSPEL” with him in Africa. Your prayers and support are what enable him to go on these ministry trips, so we decided to give our partners & friends a central place to be able to read reports, watch short video clips and to follow along with his 2 weeks of ministry in Kenya. Blog Page - click here!

Thanks so much for praying and helping send the GOSPEL to Africa and Beyond!

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Kenya: Ebenezer Children’s Home Orphans Greeted Pastor Brad!


Kenya: Day Two of conference. Thanking God for more responses to a Salvation Invitation!