Kenya: Ebenezer Children’s Home Orphans Greeted Pastor Brad!

Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator

Kenya Missions - Nov 19 - Dec 5, 2023

Siaya, Kenya

Pastor Brad Abley writes…

Since my ministry is primarily to adults, it's just like the Lord to do what He did immediately upon my arrival in Siaya a few days ago, at the guest house of Ebenezer Children's Home.”

“As soon as I (Pastor Brad) stepped out of the car, these lovely little ones came to greet me (more came after we took the pictures). But I also noticed that Felix (the older boy in the dark blue shirt) did not show any emotion, like he normally does. I found out that he had malaria.

So I asked him if I could pray for him and he said yes and I laid my hand on him, rebuked the malaria and asked the Lord Jesus to touch him and heal him. He had just started to take medication for the malaria, but that was overridden quickly!

Then we went back outside and within moments, Felix informed me that he was completely well! I post this now because he just came in to say hello and he is indeed well and the malaria is no longer affecting him.

That is the beginning of my ministry time and I'm thanking the lord for it!”

He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing.
— Deuteronomy 10:18

Pastor Brad and Felix!

At Ebenezer Children’s Home

Some of the children of Ebenezer Children’s Home!

Helping meet practical needs at the Orphanage:

Pst Brad partners with a USA Ministry called MissionNow.Org to process donations for “Ebenezer Children’s Home in Siaya, Kenya.” This ministry is a husband and wife team. The wife is a Kenyan and used to help manage the orphans home! She married and American and moved to Los Angeles, California!

Their ministry is a 501(c)(3) approved. You will receive a donation receipt for your gift to the orphans. Internal Revenue EIN# 474986616  

Thanks so much for your financial support and your prayers for the Orphans at Ebenezer

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Kenya: The 4-Day Conference~ “Calling and Servanthood” has concluded


Siaya, Kenya: Videos of the 4-day Mega Conference are coming soon!