Thank You for your Partnership!!

Remarkably, radio reaches far more people than any other media on the continent of Africa! Radio remains the best way to communicate the Gospel to Africa!”

- Pastor Brad Abley

Truly, through your partnership with me in the gospel, this seventh year of my international ministry has been by far the most fruitful of all! In 2021 we had far more salvations, far more pastors equipped and trained, and far more churches rooted and grounded in sound doctrine than in any other year!

Together, I know our triune God has been glorified in what He’s called us to do – to reach as many as we can for Him to disciple them in relationship with Him.

I’m grateful to you – for you! While Covid prevented me from returning to Uganda, Kenya, or going to some of the other nations I’ve been invited to, in God’s providence my broadcast ministry “sent” me to 89 countries of the world!

That is, through Voice of Hope Africa (twice per week, preaching through Luke’s gospel), and Voice of Hope Americas, and FM Kamuli (preaching through 1 Thessalonians) we’re reaching all these nations.

You’ve also enabled me to make a wonderful, significant impact for a large orphanage and school in Kamuli, Uganda – to feed, clothe, educate and care for those orphans.

From the FM broadcast, we had 1,220 people call in to report they prayed with me to receive Jesus as Lord. But we only have two phones at the FM Studio, plus only 49% of Ugandans have phones!

For that reason, we estimate the number of salvations to be at least 3-4 times the stated number. In addition, at least 30% of those who received Jesus as Savior were Muslims.

Clearly, your partnership has borne – and continues to bear – great fruit for our Lord!  For my full, “Year-End Ministry Update” @ Blog Post - Year End Update

Praying Ps. 90:14-17 over you with joy!

Until all have heard,

Pastor Brad

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa &Beyond!”


Reaching Refugee Camp for Christ via Radio!


Year End Ministry Update!