WNWR Philadelphia Radio Program: Listen anytime via “On-Demand” (audio)
“A Heart After God: Radio”
Listen to Pastor Brad Abley via “On-Demand.” He airs weekly on Saturdays; but the website feature On-Demand allows you to listen anytime!!
Wilkins Radio station: 1540 AM Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Wilkins Radio -> “A Heart After God” page!
Select the button to access the “Listen On-Demand” section! Listen to the programs any time.
Tune In and Be Inspired
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Mark 16:15 (KJV)
Friends, will you join us in Prayer for this Radio Ministry??
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Here is a sample of Pastor Brad Abley’s radio broadcast on Wilkins Radio!
Pastor Brad’s program airs on Saturday’s at 7:30 pm on “WNWR 1540 AM” in Philadelphia, PA.
Other ways to list to Pastor Brad’s “A Heart After God: Radio” program. Click the button below…
Thanks so much for helping spread the GOSPEL via FM Radio!
“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”