Youth are Accepting Christ via FM Radio!

Your prayers are being answered for the weekly FM Radio program. God is drawing the Youth to accept Christ when Pastor Brad gives a Salvation invitation on the air weekly!

Some of the New Believer’s that call the Radio Station receive a Radio as a gift from Pst Brad! They are encouraged to invite others to listen to the GOSPEL

Radio report from Pst Joseph:

"Pst Brad, your FM Radio messages have affected so much the plans of the devil in the youth generation!! In our region(Kamuli, Uganda), youth have been regarding salvation as something only for old people; but as for now they are accepting the Lord never than before!!

The young people are calling the radio station to say they have ‘Accepted Christ’ while listening to your program!!"

For more info on this FM Radio Ministry in Uganda see:

@ FM Radio Ministry in Uganda

$100 per week for FM Radio Air Time

$5,200 per year for FM Radio Air Time

$125 = 4 Radio as shown in photos. Given to new believers so that they can ask their friends/family to listen to the GOSPEL program together!

KBS 105.9 FM Radio Kamuli - Uganda

Some of the New Believer’s that call the Radio Station receive a Radio as a gift from Pst Brad!

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


* Uganda Missions Trip Postponed! *


Pst Brad to meet some of the FM Radio listeners whom accepted Christ!