What’s New??
Reaching Africa & Beyond…
Your Prayers are Transforming Lives in Kenya: Radio Listener Stories
Kenya: Radio Listener Stories
Kenya: Ebenezer Children’s Home Orphans Greeted Pastor Brad!
Pastor Brad’s arrival at Ebenezer Children’s Home!
Kenya: Pastor Brad Abley’s Key Bible Verses for this Ministry trip!
Pst Brad’s Key Bible Verses for this Ministry trip!
Kenya: A Pastor shares his testimony after he sees a Facebook post!
Your financial gifts and prayers indeed have a lasting impact!
Kenya: Orphans at Ebenezer received a special delivery!
Thanking God for a generous donation of food for the Orphans!
Kenya Missions: 3-Day Pastor’s Conference
Pastor Brad taught on the Lord as our Shepherd from Psalm 23 / Isaiah 40:11 / John 10:11,14
Kenya: Orphans are delighted with new mattresses and sheets!
The orphans are enjoying their new mattresses!
Kenya Missions: Water Tank was donated to the Orphanage
Money was donated to purchase a water tank!
Kenya Missions: Prayer Rally Keynote Speaker
Prayer Rally: Jesus Blesses the Little Children
Kenya Missions: Widows - “Cast Down; but not Forsaken…”
Ministering to the Widows. Cast down; but not forsaken!
Returning to Kenya July 2023: Breaking ground on new ministry opportunities!
Kenya Missions: Please consider financially supporting Pastor Brad on this July ministry trip!
Kenya: An appeal to raise funds for Orphan’s school fees!
School Fees: Please help send an orphan to school! Kenyan government does not provide education for children. @bradabley.com/give
Returning to Kenya July 2023: Breaking ground on new ministry opportunities!
We find it’s so important to undergird this trip in Prayer & Financial Support now, before Pst Brad departs for Kenya!
Thank You from the Children of Ebenezer Children’s Home: Kenya
Please consider sending a donation for Christmas! Ebenezer Orphanage: Siaya, Kenya
Looking for More Topics? View Pastor Brad’s archived blog posts below.