Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator

Training Village Pastors in Siaya, Kenya

While all of Africa continues to grow rapidly in the Christian faith, the same dilemma remains – almost none of the African village pastors has any access to biblical training! Their need is great, the needs of their congregation is even greater. Pst Brad’s heart is burdened, that’s why he preaches weekly on the radio, and it’s why he loves to go and minister in-person in Africa as well!

At the Pastor’s Conference…

  • 105 pastors attended day one

  • 130 pastors on day two

  • 150 day pastors on day three

Pastor Brad taught on the Lord as our Shepherd from

  • Psalm 23 / Isaiah 40:11 / John 10:11,14

The pastors learned many new things about the nature of God…

I also focused a lot on the need for humility for Christian leaders and the importance of sound doctrine. I compared the showmanship and foolishness among so many Christian leaders in the US and in Kenya with the reverence, purity and holiness of what we read in scripture.

In addition, I emphasized the way Jesus does ministry, compared to the way we do ministry. For example, twice he strongly emphasized ministry to children in Mark 9 and 10, whereas we seem to minimize the importance of children. If we would give more attention to children, it would change our churches and world!

There was much rejoicing and a very enthusiastic response, with great eagerness for my return to Kenya for more training in the future. We also had some very powerful times of personal ministry, especially today with a young couple and a 25 year old orphan who has only experienced rejection his entire life.

Rejoicing at what GOD is doing in the lives of these precious Kenyans!! The Kenyans were so thankful to receive these 3 days of training!

Friends, thank you again for sending me and for praying for this trip! Together we are reaching Kenya for Christ in so many ways!

Video: Pastors said a very warm thank you!

Thank you for your Partnership: together we are reaching Kenya for Christ in so many ways!

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Kenya Missions: Sunday Service in Siaya!


Kenya: Orphans are delighted with new mattresses and sheets!