Kenya Mission’s Report #2: Pastor’s Conference
“How then are they to call on Him in whom they have not believed? How are they to believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher?” Romans 10:14
Bringing Biblical Training and Equipping to Village Pastors and Leaders in Siaya, Kenya.
Brad’s Ministry Report on the Bible Conference:
Pastor Brad is teaching 2 hours each day at a Pastor’s Conference hosted by Empowered Living (ELIM) founded by his friend Dr Danny Gilbert. Pastor Brad has taught at ELIM since year 2014!
On Monday and Tuesday, I taught pastors and leaders extensively on what I call the beauty of the Old Testament and why it is so essential for the life of the believer. We went in depth into the extraordinary descriptions of the nature of God found in the Old Testament and we all agreed how life-giving God has revealed himself to be in the Old Testament.
On Tuesday we focused extensively on the long list of profound verses about forgiveness in the Old Testament. I taught for two and a half hours each day on the Old Testament.
After my 2 hours at the Pastor’s Conference, every day I went to the local FM radio station Miayi:Mikayi Kiloki 103.8 FM and recorded radio broadcasts with Pastor Paul, my outstanding interpreter. These broadcasts will air in future weeks.
(Slide show)
Bible Conference, Worship every morning before first teaching session!
Pastor Danny reflects on Brad’s time of teaching!
God is doing a deep work in the students and pastors at the Bible School. Pastor Brad started the first intensive course on The Old Testament and the Nature of God. Many pastors and students were very engaged
The next day, Brad continued his teachings on the Nature of God as found in the OT. The focus was on God’s Forgiving Nature followed by a time of repentance for not believing God truly forgives, and to receive His abounding forgiveness in our lives. Amen, such an enriching time!
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“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”