Live radio panel interview! “Drug use among young people in Kenya”

FM Radio Mikayi: Mikayi Kiloki 103.8 in Siaya, Kenya requested Pastor Brad and Wesley Bremer to hold a discussion panel interview on a live radio broadcast! The program focused on the problem of young people and drug use in Kenya.

Wesley Bremer and I had the great joy and privilege of being interviewed on a live radio broadcast today, which focused on the problem of young people and drug use in Kenya.

The calls that we received were very eye-opening and Wesley did an outstanding job giving a testimony of how the Lord delivered him from 3-year addiction to marijuana, giving hope to the listeners.

I was able to speak to the people as a Pastor to help answer their dilemmas, and to also give them hope and to pray for them.

One caller said that he listens to my weekly program on that station and how much he's getting from the broadcast. I wasn't expecting that, but it was an encouraging surprise.

It was also a great joy to see Wesley involved with his first radio broadcast!

Thank you friends for praying for this Mission’s Trip! God is using creative ways to reach the community of Siaya and beyond with the GOSPEL. Please continue to pray for God’s anointing, physical stamina and favor upon Pastor Brad and Wesley Bremer!

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Kenya Mission’s Report 3: Finished week 1. Starting week 2 of Ministry!


Kenya Mission’s Report #2: Pastor’s Conference