Kenya Mission’s Report 3: Finished week 1. Starting week 2 of Ministry!
Pastor Brad taught 2 hours each day at a Pastor’s Conference hosted by Empowered Living (ELIM) founded by his friend Dr Danny Gilbert. Pastor Brad has taught at ELIM since year 2014!
The balance of each day was focused on Pastor Brad’s FM Radio ministry. This was his first time to visit Radio Miakyi:Miakyi Kiloki 103.8 FM, Siaya, Kenya!! The highlight was a “Live radio panel discussion” including Wesley Bremer on the topic of “Drug use among the young people of Kenya!”
2 Sunday sermons “Live FM Radio Broadcasts” reaching Siaya & the community beyond! The live broadcasts were a surprise to Brad.
A Wedding! Pastor Brad gave the “sermon” portion at the wedding of one of one of his Kenyan friends - Pastor Paul Tawo!
Finally, they even had time to squeeze in a Birthday Party for Pastor Brad held at the Orphanage!
Week #2 Pastor's Conference - "A Heart After God Bible Teaching Ministry" /
Hosted by Pastor Brad Abley /
Week #2 Pastor's Conference - "A Heart After God Bible Teaching Ministry" / Hosted by Pastor Brad Abley /
Week #1 Wrap up!
Pastor Brad’s teaching focus was the “Beauty of the Old Testament.”
“I showed that this title is a reflection of the nature of Yahweh, whom David described in Psalm 27:4 as beautiful. The word can also be translated, pleasant or delightful.
We covered in depth the amazing and many verses on forgiveness in the OT, the stunning nature of God revealed in the OT -- and how that sets the foundation to understand God the Father in the New Testament. In addition, we also covered the many and profound promises of answered prayer in the OT.
Finally, we went in depth into the unique phenomenon of Prophecy and fulfillment in the Old and New testaments.
This ministry continues to feel like the apostolic foundation of laying a firm foundation for the faith that we see in the book of Acts. During our Q&A times, so many biblical and theological questions arose that we needed to deal with very carefully. They are complex questions deserving careful answers, while using those answers as teaching points. All in all it was a great week.
We closed our week of ministry yesterday with in-depth prayer and ministry over the many students and we could see how deeply the Holy Spirit ministered to the people and encouraged them. There was great rejoicing in that place!
Wesley Bremer has been even more than a great blessing to everyone that he's coming to contact with.”
Up next in week #2!
A Heart After God Bible Teaching Ministry 3-Day Pastor’s Conference: Pastor Brad
March 19th: 2 Sunday Sermon “Live FM Radio Broadcast”
Recording FM Radio Broadcasts for Weekly Saturday program
Evangelism Crusade
Time with the Orphans
Special Meeting for Lead Pastors on the topic of Unity
We invite you to continue to cover the Mission’s Trip in prayer! Thank You!!
Brad & Wesley return home on March 20th!
“On a Mission…”
“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”